Beauty: Bias
I don’t think that loving yourself
is a choice. I think that it’s a decision that has to be made for survival. – Lizzo |
Students will explore their attitudes and possible biases regarding weight, age and skin-tone. Students will relate their viewpoints to current events and experiences and discuss ways to create more acceptance and support. |
The assignments that have activities are in red.
2. Bias & Shame
1. Click on the [IAT] button and take the tests for: Colorism, Weightism, & Ageism.
2. After you take the tests, discuss your results with a partner and how you feel about the results. Discuss situations that either confirm or negate the results. |
Read the articles, watch the videos and discuss.
Photo credit: White grass, Mark Normand, Gambian Girl, Joe Rodd, Twitter: Corey Stickel