Boundary : Poetry Analysis
When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated. Brené Brown. |
Big Questions:
The assignments that have activities are in red.
Read the four articles below: 1) 11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting, 2) Early Warning Signing: Identifying DV Red Flags, 3) Why Men are Aggressive Against Women, and 4) How Can We Love an Abuser or Narcissist and Stay. Read the poem Drowning (p.4) from Sirens in Her Belly. Discuss either in conversation or in writing, the questions for the poem. |
Discussion Questions
Marissa Alexander
1. Complete the Lesson for the Stand Your Ground Law.
2. Read the article on survivors and violence.
3. Read the three articles about Marissa Alexander.
Read and Discuss Three Poems
Warning Shot(P.2), Clemency(P.3) and First Code of a Dragon Slayer (P.36)
Warning Shot(P.2), Clemency(P.3) and First Code of a Dragon Slayer (P.36)
1. Analyze the poems for the objects (nouns) used in the descriptions. How might they be applied to the concepts of objectification?
2. How do the poems describe fear, frustration and anger? Analyze the resolution in each of the poems. What actions do the victims take, what are the consequences? 3. Read the poems and relate them back to the articles on leaving an abuser. What information from the articles relate with the poems? |
Object Lessons & Connections
Instructions: Choose one of these prompts and write a two-page paper.
Instructions: Choose one of these prompts and write a two-page paper.
Object Lesson Prompt
At the beginning of this unit you responded to a prompt inspired by a quote by Fyodor Dostoevsky: The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.
Connection - Letter Writing Prompt
We have read a variety of strategies an aggressor might use to keep the victim in an abusive situation. We have also read about the motives for abusers staying in a relationship. a) Write about a scenario with two fictional people. Describe the situation in great detail. b) You have been invited to write a letter to the aggressor and the victim. What type of detailed letter would you write to both parties? Write two letters, one to the aggressor and one to the victim. |